Open Coven Inclusivity Statement
You belong here. You belong here if society has marginalized you and your community. You belong here if you are Buddhist, Hindu, Secular Humanist, Pagan, Sikh, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, follow some other belief system, or adhere to no organized belief system at all. You belong here if you are still figuring out what and who you are. You belong here if you are documented, DACAmented, or undocumented. You belong here if you are a person of color, or white, or perceived to be white, or if you are of mixed racial/ethnic heritage, or if you are perceived to be other identities that you aren’t. You belong here if you have an exceptionality or disability, if you have intellectual, cognitive, or emotional disabilities or if you are neurotypical. You belong here if you identify as gender nonconforming or LGBTQ, or if you’re still learning what some of those letters mean. You belong here no matter what language you grew up speaking. Whatever your body type, appearance, talents, abilities, identities, histories, or backgrounds, you belong here. As the founder of Open Coven, I will try hard to ensure you and your coven mates always remember that you belong here, and to ensure you and your coven mates feel welcome and valued.